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go to and type in halo. then just scroll down and find halo combat evolved (if you cant get to the site from the address bar, go to Google and just type in halo demo and look at the links. find the one that says

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14y ago

You need to wait until 2010

Its a Beta. Not a Demo. And it comes out may 3, 2010(next month)

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Q: How do you play halo reach demo?
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it recently came out on xbox, download on xboxlive.

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You can't play the full version with the demo. Sorry!

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No, there was no Halo 1 demo. The first Halo was made for the original Xbox, not Xbox 360, so there was no capacity for online play or downloads. Because of that, there was no demo made.

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Im pretty sure the beta is a demo but im not sure sorry.

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Is there a halo reach demo?

Theirs a halo reach beta coming out may 3, 2010 --------asker---------- this is the guy who asked saying I meant for the PC