They are 2 different genres, metal gear being a stealth game, and Medal of Honor being a first person shooter, making them hard to compare. But, if you are basing your opinions off of reviews, metal gear is the better game.
personally metal gear solid 3: snake eater because it has that sense of freedom
It depends each game is completely different but Metal gear was ahead of its time so i would have to go with metal gear
Depends on your liking. Metal Gear Solid 3 is more recent, so it may have better graphics, but you may like 2's gaming style or story.
Metal Gear Solid. That's not even an opinion, it's just fact.
Meatal Gear Sold 3 Subsistence is alot better so get that one WRONG Snake Eater is alot Better in many differant ways.
It's all a matter of opinion, Metal Gear Solid 4 is more stealth and resident evil 5 is more of a shooter. If your just looking at ratings though, Metal Gear Solid 4 did much better.
Very unlikely, but on PS3, there's a lot more fun Metal Gear Solid series;better than Metal Gear Solid:Peace Walker.
The Metal Gear series in the opinion of most is better. Splinter cell is an amazing game but overall Metal Gear had more votes. Metal gear was elected for its story, voice acting/music but not gameplay. Splinter Cell was voted to have better game play because of the much easier controls and the one button take downs with Metal Gear it was a system of the usage of the R1 and the left control stick. Now the Metal gear CQC system was good if you had multiple enemies to take down and you were out of ammo but splinter cell's CQC system was better for a quick kill. That is the opinion of most gamers
A Metal Gear is a bipedal nuclear tank which features in most of the Metal Gear games. The first made Metal Gear is Metal Gear Raxa which was known as an ICBMG, then there was Metal Gear TX-55 and Metal Gear D. The next Metal Gears were Metal Gear Rex and Metal Gear Ray. After those they finally perfected the Metal Gears and made what is codenamed Metal Gear Gekko.
call of duty 2 pones metal gear solid by way theres online on call of duty its more realistic and better graphics and serriouslly nuclear bombs can kill a person in a snap so no graphics at all this why call of duty pones metal gear solid
If you mean story wise then I believe it goes: Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Metal Gear Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake Metal Gear Solid Metal Gear Solid 2 Metal Gear Solid 4 But I may be wrong, and that isn't counting either of the Portable Ops games.
If a car is making a metallic rubbing noise, but it is better in high gear, it could be a problem with the brakes or rotors. The brake pads might be so worn that they are touching metal to metal with the rotor.