It should be available for Android devices. You may want to check on what kind of device you might have restrictions on downloading content from the Google Play Store, or allows for only downloads from a proprietary app store.
You can download minecraft pocket edition which is a simplified version on all android devices.
Not the PC version, but you can download Minecraft: Pocket Edition on iOS and Android.
not really but it will make your tablet or phone go slower
Yes, it's available
You can do much of the same things on the Android version of Minecraft, Minecraft: Pocket Edition.
Yeah, Minecraft: Pocket Edition is part of the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft. Both Android and IOS devices are able to connect on Minecraft.
You need an ipod touch i phone or android device you launch the market and download it 5.99 full version free demo
Mcpe Stands For minecraft pocket edition, it is a game made of blocks which you can play with your friends
u cant
You download pocketinveditor
jail break idevice (i dont have android), get iFile, download a skin with a downloader, use iFile... OR search it up in youtube :P