Perhaps it is not a drain but a hydrostatic valve. These are fitted at the bottoms of pools to let ground water that has built up under an empty pool into the pool in order to stop it from floating out of the ground.
The drain plug is located on bottom right side of rdiator if you are standing in front of vehicle On the very bottom of radiator
The 1996 Deville drain plug is in the bottom of the radiator close to the bottom hose. It is in a very hard place to reach.
We have the metal type and our drain valve is located right near the bottom very close to the area where the higher filter port sits. There is an outside and an inside cap, so you will have to actually get into the pool to remove the inner cap.... something we didn't bargain for when taking ours down. Hope that helps.
The drain plug is located on the bottom of your engine on the oil pan. That should be about in the middle of the engine on the very bottom
That is a very good question. Now can you tell me what you are wanting to drain? All drain plugs are located on the bottom of the component you are to drain.
It has to be very near the bottom of the radiator.
because it has clorine
Yes, I've done it several times over three summers. Of course it's not a good idea to leave it empty for very long (since the pressure of the water in the pool helps the pool stay in the ground) but sometimes it is necessary to completely empty it, say for removing a large spill of decomposing leaves, cleaning the bottom, or repainting the pool.
The radiator drain plug is at the passenger side rear of the radiator at the very bottom corner. There are two drain plugs in the block, they are very difficult to get at, and usually not necessary.
No, the chlorine concentration in your pool water is designed to kill all of the bacteria that end up in the water in order to keep your pool clean. The bacteria in your septic tank are good bacteria that break down what you flush down the toilet so that it doesnt get backed-up. Dumping your pool water into the septic tank will kill these good bacteria and stop your septic tank from working. THIS WILL BE VERY BAD. So the bottom line is definitely NO. If you need somewhere to empty your pool, get a long enough hose to dump it into a storm drain on the street. (thats even what the pros do)
Passenger side, bottom of radiator, on the side. Very small drain plug.
The oil drain plug will be located on the bottom of the oil pan. The oil pan is on the very bottom of the engine. It will be the lowest part of the engine.