My mobile home park is going through this right now, so I will give you what I have learned. A word of caution, I am still trying to find an unbiased answer myself all of my pros/cons come from the fiberglass or plaster contractors so of course they believe their product is better.
From our pool maintenance company (the one unbiased answer I have) They recommend using fiberglass on our Spa to reduce the chance of black algae, and plaster on the pool for the ease of maintenance.
>>Pro's for plaster.
Underwater epoxy repairs can be made without draining the pool.
More resilient than the Gel-Coat of the fiberglass.
More readily available contractors.
>>Pro's for fiberglass.
Resists Black Algae.
Resists rust stains from behind.
Lasts longer than plaster.
---Con's for plaster.
If Black Algae starts its roots go through the pourous plaster and embed in the gunite, and will always return.
Plaster doesn't bond well to old plaster.
---Con's for fiberglass.
Fiberglass companies go out of business because their products fail in a few years.
Fiberglass contractors are hard to find.
The only way to repair fiberglass is to drain the pool and apply a new Gel-Coat over the entire surface.
Fiberglass is not waterproof at all, only the Gel-Coat is.
A Plaster contractor said...
"I have heard that the fiberglass fails in like 5 years and then the company goes out of business."
A Fiberglass contractor said...
"I have heard of huge sections of the plaster falling off, because the old layer of plaster was not completely removed and when it came off it took the new plaster with it, in court the contractor's stance was that their coat held on fine and that it was not their fault since their work was still sticking to the old plaster."
I wish a neurtral party like a university would do a study on this.
Just as lost in the sauce as the original poster.
There are three probable answers to your question. #1 If the surface to be Gel-Coated are small and you can do the work yourself under $50 dollars. #2 If there is damage to the surface and you half to hire a professional fiberglass repairman then things get expensive more than $500 dollars. #3 And if your talking Gel-Coating the entire pool surface "Depending on the size" Thousands of dollars then finding someone reputable to do the work and take on a job of that size. Good Luck. Hope this helps R.B.
No. An older (possibly better) type of Fiberglass pool was constructed in this manner, with a concrete/Gunnite/Marcite trowled bottom and Fiberglass panels at the side of the pool. Panels are caulked together along vertical joints. Actually not a bad deal, but caulked joints must be maintained. Once the concrete starts showing through at the bottom of the pool, its time to drain and resurface. Bottom of pool should be acid washed every 3-5 years to keep it sparkling and remove mold, mildew, stains. If bottom surface is chipping off, its getting close to time to resurface bottom of pool. Bottom is treated just like any concrete/gunite/Marcite pool surface. Sides are simply brushed, caulked in timely manner.
The cost to resurface a gunite pool depends on your location, the size of your pool, and exactly what you want done. On average, as of 2014 it cost between $8,000 and $15,000 to resurface a pool.
How do yo resurface or replaster and old pool
A fiberglass pool requires less maintenance, less repairs structurally in the future, is quick to install, and is good for smaller pools. Gunite pools are better for a pool deeper than 8 feet, custom shapes, and is a bit harder on the feet than a fiberglass pool.
form_title= Fiberglass Pools form_header= Relax in the water with a fiberglass pool. Do you want a salt water pool?*= () Yes () No What size is your backyard?*= _ [50] What is your budget for a pool?*= _ [50]
the cost for fiberglass pools are chaeper and easier to install.concrete pools are easier to maintain.a fiberglass pool may run you 3,000 to 10,000. A concrete pool run you 12,000 to 30,000 depending on the size and area of residence
Yes, fiberglass pools have a smooth finish. Where a concrete pool was a pourus and rougher finish that gives alge something to grab on to. Also staining it. A low calcium level can pit a concrete pool, not a fiberglass, plus a fiberglass pool is more flexible,so ground movement wont crack it. In the long run the extra money you pay for fiberglass is worth it.
Absolutely, But if you only have the land to fit a fiberglass pool, Your new gunite pool will be considerably smaller by about 1 foot all the way around. A fiberglass drop in pool is too small already, RIGHT? Kenny Kummer Brody Chemical
Hum, not sure if you can actually plaster a fiberglass pool. The glass would have to be removed first. You will have to consult a pool builder, a company that installs fiberglass shells or a company that installs fiberglass in plastered pools - thus converting a gunite/plaster pool into a gunite/fiberglass pool. The later uses the old pool shell as the sub-grade or foundation so to speak. k
No!!! Under no circumstances should you drain a fiberglass in-ground pool. Unlike the standard in-ground pool, the fiberglass pool base is unreinforced concrete or other hard surface material that was applied directly to the soil in a thin layer. It is only there to allow the fiberglass to be sprayed on and form a hard shell. The weight of the water is what holds the fiberglass in place. If you drain the pool without refilling it immediately, you will allow external ground pressures and/or ground water to buckle the sides or bottom and you will have the fiberglass completely redone.
Fiberglass pool shells are shipped in a single piece directly from the manufacturer. As a result, you don't actually linea pool with fiberglass the way you would with concrete or vinyl. Instead, installing a fiberglass pool simply means digging a hole in which to place the already completed shell.
form_title=Swimming Pool Remodel form_header=11663 What kind of pool is going to be remodeled?*= () Above ground () In ground What primary material is the interior pool surface made of?*= () Vinyl () Concrete () Tile () Fiberglass Please choose which features you are considering for your pool remodeling:*= [] Resurface pool [] New tile / coping [] New pool deck [] Repair or replace wall steps [] Plumbing or electrical beneath pool deck [] Skimmer replacement [] Pool lights [] Chlorination / cleaner system