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Q: American in French
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Is a Bon Bon French or Latin American?

Latin American. Definitely not French.

When was French-American Foundation created?

French-American Foundation was created in 1976.

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What nationality is Madonna?

Madonna is an American. Her father is Italian American, her mother was French-Canadian American.

Which is true of the Federal Republic of Germany?

It united the British, American, and French areas of control.It was pro-American

What was Edmund Burkes' philosophical position in relation to both the American and French Revolution?

American Revolution - for French Revolution - against American Revolution - for French Revolution - against

What came first the American Russian Chinese or French Revolution?

American, then French, then Russian, then Chinese.

What is 'American' when translated from English to French?

"American" in English is américain for a male and américaine for a female in French.

When was American-French Genealogical Society created?

American-French Genealogical Society was created in 1978.

How do you say Do you speak American in French?

Il parle anglais (there is no such language as 'American' in French)

What is the plural of American in french?

Americans, or in French, américains

How did the french-american alliance affect the American revolution?

The Frano-American Alliance won the American revolution. French money, weapons, ships and commanders were vital to the American victory.