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The fall of the Roman Republic (Latin: Res Publica Romana) was around 27BC. After Gaius Julius Caesar (Latin: Gaivs Ivlvivs Cæsar) was assassinated in front of the Pompeian Baths, the whole Republic collapsed and most of his assassins, as well as his supporters, fled the city of Rome. The Rupublic was essentially two ruling Consuls and a senate, much like any repbulic of today.

The Roman Empire was then formed when Gaius Julius Caesar's nephew, Octavian, took control of Rome as a sort of dictator (Latin: Imperator). Octavian changed his name (and is better known as) Augustus Julius Caesar (Latin: Avgvstvs Ivlvivs Cæsar). The Empire continued until 476AD (NOTE: this is the same date that the dark ages begun! Many belive that this is because the Romans were no longer able to trade and bring food to their provinces and towns, so many people went into squalor) The last Emporer of the Western Roman Empire was Romulus 'Augustulus', although this is debated and Julius Nepos is belived to have legally held the tile.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

The fall of Chinese dynasties were internal affairs. They occurred when the dynasties became unable to control China and the power of the Chinese warlords. A period of military anarchy and fights between warlords ensued until an new dynasty and central power by an emperor was reestablished.

The so-called fall of Rome, instead, was linked to external events. It was liked to the invasion of the western part of the Roman Empire by invaders from outside.

The term fall of Rome refers to the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire (the eastern part continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years). The fall of the western part of the Roman Empire was a process. Many factors contributed to this. The main one was the invasions by Germanic peoples (Vandals, Alans, Sueves and Burgundians). This part of the empire crumbled under the weight of these invasions. It lost political cohesion. There was a lot of infighting and a string of usurpations. The Romans were unable to respond to the invasions. Within some eighty years all the lands of this part of the empire were lost. Many historians think that prior to the fall of this part of the empire there was a decline of the Roman Empire as a whole.

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Q: Compare the fall of Han China to the fall of Rome?
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Political struggles and social problems weakened the Han Dynasty. It fell in A.D. 220. China had no single ruler.

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Compare Qin and Han dynasties?

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