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Iraq gave us the ability to be armed during war.

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Q: Contribution of Iraq in world civilization?
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Where was the world's first great civilization?

The Sumer or Sumerian Civilization (Mesopotamia) is noted as the first "Civilization" to meet all the right qualifications; c. 5300 B.C. It existed in what is today Iraq.

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The earliest civilization in the world was Sumer which goes as far back as 4,900 BC. The Sumer lived in Mesopotamia in an area of present day Iraq.

When was the first civilization in the ancient world?

The first ancient civilization was Mesopotamia (Present day Iraq). I know this because this was the first thing I learned in my history book.

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The ancient civilization of Sumner is believed to be the first civilization in the world. Established sometime between 4500 and 4000 BC, Sumner was located in what is now known as Iraq.

What two rivers run through Iraq and were home to the world's first major civilization?

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How did the contribution affect their civilization?

they were peopleee

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What early civilization emerged in now present day Iraq?

The civilization of Mesopotamia was located in the Fertile Crescent, now present-day Iraq.

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What you think was the greatest contribution of the ancient egyptians?

The contribution of Egypt to the world civilization is significant. It developed:WritingPaper, pen, ink and inkpotLiteratureCalendar:Mathematics and GeometryMedical ScienceArt and architectureSculptureReligionPhilosophyPostal ServiceHistoriographyAgriculture and IrrigationNavigation, Trade and CommerceCraftsmanshipSystems of Administration