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Shoot! I entered pretty much this very question on Google to look for an article on it. My wold view is "Spanish gold and silver ransacked from the Americas did cause prices to rise in Europe with no real growth". My understanding is that it ultimately ruined the Spanish economy. The reason is that gold is otherwise a useless metal that when America's share got dumped on Europe, it created a monetary shock that ruined gold's value as money temporarily. Temporarily, Spain got to do nothing productive for a living, sort of speak, while the rest of Europe got duped into serving Spain for free/stolen American gold. Gold is money only in its property of fairly keeping track of economic credits given that no one is able to counterfeit it or find it easily without escaping productive work. Anyways, I'm looking for the authoritive answer because I'm tired of people deifying gold as money -- the real wealth is in the capital which money is a representation of. Shoot! I entered pretty much this very question on Google to look for an article on it. My wold view is "Spanish gold and silver ransacked from the Americas did cause prices to rise in Europe with no real growth". My understanding is that it ultimately ruined the Spanish economy. The reason is that gold is otherwise a useless metal that when America's share got dumped on Europe, it created a monetary shock that ruined gold's value as money temporarily. Temporarily, Spain got to do nothing productive for a living, sort of speak, while the rest of Europe got duped into serving Spain for free/stolen American gold. Gold is money only in its property of fairly keeping track of economic credits given that no one is able to counterfeit it or find it easily without escaping productive work. Anyways, I'm looking for the authoritive answer because I'm tired of people deifying gold as money -- the real wealth is in the capital which money is a representation of.

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Q: Did Spanish gold and silver from the Americas fuel inflation and economic growth in Europe?
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