As fast as the horse pulling it. The locomotive, powered by steam, does not get invented until the 19th century.
Well, in the 19th century, children were expected to start work at a very young age (some were four, five, six and older), because most didn't go to school and had nothing to do except run around the dark, dangerous streets, pick-pocketing. Most children were taken to work in factories or mills against their will.
yes, but it wasn't actually a school. Everyone from the Huron community taught the children.
School's were not free until the end of the Victorian era in 1891.
Lafayette attended Collège du Plessis, a school for the children of the aristocracy and studied military strategy and tactics at Versailles Academy.
Orville Wright attended elementary school in Dayton, Ohio. He went to school in the late 19th century, in the 1870s and 1880s.
Children worked in the 19th century because most didn't go to school and it was better than running around in the dark. Also it got the family more money, they worked there (were hierd) because they could crawl under the machines to repair broken threads and to clean away dust or loose threads. It was good for the factory owners as they paid them less.Why_did_children_work_in_the_19th_century
Because they wanted to
In the 19th century, women and men were not equal. The woman had to do the households, laundry etc. while the man was working 6 days a week. Nowadays, it's very normal that women go to university. Earlier, the women had no choice, they were not supposed to go to university. The were there for creating a family and being a house wife. The number of children was different, in this time a family have approximately 2 children while in the 19th century it was normal to have 8 children.Also religion, urbanization, infrastructure and the media have to do with it.Greetzzzzzzz
His children go to the same school as mine.
Yes children in Kuwait do go to school.
no if they were poor they did not go to school. If the children were rich then they could go to school.
Yes, the children had to go to school back then.
Yes; children of any country go to school.
they do go to school
yes most children in the united states have to go to school to get an education