

Best Answer
  • The Soviet Union Leader Stalin refused to allow the Eastern European nations to be freed to have their own self-rule. They became known as the Eastern Bloc.
  • Stalin also refused to allow half of Germany and Berlin to be free. They became oppressed and ruled by the communist nation of the Soviet Union for 45 years. General Eisenhower, President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill did their best to get Stalin to free all the nations in which his military conquered the Nazi Wehrmacht.
  • Roosevelt was furious that Stalin did not want to give up his communist agenda of imperialism. President Truman had to deal with the problem after Roosevelt died. The Korean War became his headache.
  • The atomic age was born out of the "democracies" versus "communists" conflict. At one point General MacArthur wanted to drop atomic bombs on North Korea. Truman put a stop to this.
  • The problem borne out of the Eastern European takeover escalated to the Cold War and was not reversed after Stalin died.
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