Indus valley Ganges delta Mesopotamia the lower Nile Valley
Indus valley civilization riverboats have single sail.
bob :)
4000-1500 bc
the Indus Valley is in Pakistan, which puts it on what is called ' sub-continent of Asia'
indus valley indus valley
Indus River Valley, India.
Indus valley towns had running water and sewage systems. The world's oldest port is found at Lothal, an Indus Valley city on the coast. The world's oldest agricultural field is found in an Indus Valley site. The Indus valley people had their own writing system, and pictures of this may be seen at 'Indus Script Dictionary' on Facebook.
It came from Indus valley!! and from the area near indus valley
The Indus Valley Civilization: Harappa, Mohenjodaro
The indus valley!!
the indus vally is the biggest.
indus valley sindh pakistan
Indus River Valley.
It thrived in the Indus Valley.