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Europe Africa Asia Australasia North, Central & South America & dependancies in Antarctica..... I think that about covers it ! Principally: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Pakistan, Bangldesh, Ceylon, Malaysia, Singapore, Kenya, Uganda, North & South Rhodesia, Jamaica, British Honduras, British Guiana, Malta, Gibraltar, Malawi, Botswana, Nigeria.........I'm sure there are a few more I cant think of off the top of my head.

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16y ago
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9y ago

As of 1775 there were 20 British colonies in North America. 13 that later rebelled and became the United States, 5 that are now part of Canada, and East Florida, West Florida, and The Indian Reserve.

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15y ago

- Nigeria - Togo - Benin - South Africa - Orange Free State - Swaziland - Transvaal - Ireland - British North America ( Canada) - Australia - New Zealand - Fiji - Egypt - Madagascar - Iraq - Falkland Is. - Gibraltar, Spain - India ( India, Pakistan, Bangladesh) - Hong Kong, China - Isreal - Parts of Afganistan - Peices of Alaska, which were part of BNA until 1903 That's all I can think of.

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12y ago

At its height, the British Empire was the largest empire in history. The number of British colonies differed throughout the span of the Empire, with various nations gaining independance or being reclassified.

In 1914, there were 38 British Colonies:

- Aden

- Anglo-Egyptian Sudan

- Ascension Island

- Australia

- Bahamas

- Basutoland

- Bechuanaland

- British East Africa

- British Guiana

- British Honduras

- British Hong Kong

- British Somaliland

- Burma

- Canada

- Ceylon

- Egypt

- Ellice Island

- Falkland Islands

- Fiji Island

- Gambia

- Gold Coast

- India

- Ireland

- Jamaica

- Malaya

- New Zealand

- Nigeria

- Northern Rhodesia

- Oman

- Papua

- Sarawak

- Sierra Leone

- South Rhodesia

- St. Helena

- Swaziland

- Trinidad and Tobago

- Uganda

- Union of South Africa

Since 2002, colonies have been called "British Overseas Territories", of which there are currently 14:

- Anguilla

- Bermuda

- British Antarctic Territory

- British Indian Ocean Territory

- British Virgin Islands

- Cayman islands

- Falkland Islands

- Gibraltar

- Montserrat

- Pitcairn Islands

- Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha

- South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

- Sovereign Base Areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia

- Turks and Caicos Islands

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11y ago

your moma sucks

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Great Britain increased taxes on many items in the colonies.

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No, since many Americans, and many of the early settlers of the US were FROM Great Britain. The original 13 colonies were colonies of Great Britain. Sort of like you and your mother both speak English.

Is it a coincedence that Americans and English people both speak English?

No, since many Americans, and many of the early settlers of the US were FROM Great Britain. The original 13 colonies were colonies of Great Britain. Sort of like you and your mother both speak English.

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