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Prehistory ok know study ur vocab words and rusti is awesome

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Q: Long period of time before people developed systems of writing and a written language?
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What is a long period of time before people developed systems of writing and a written language?

long period of time before people developed systems of writing and a written language

What is a long period of time before people develop systems of writing and written language?

long period of time before people developed systems of writing and a written language

Long period of time before people developed systems of writing a written language?

The system were peopled long ago developed writing systems is The Stone Age.

What is the long period of time before people developed systems of writing and a written language?

It is Prehistory . Are you doing this for a workbook page on social studies? Because I am. lol. I forgot my book and now I'm looking for answers! [Hope it help you good luck! (edited by Syuzanna Syuhanova!]

Did the Iroquois's have a written language?

No, the first tribe to produce a written language in North America was the Cherokee (called Tsalagi). Most other tribes later used English, or developed writing systems based on Latin letters.

Who developed written language?

The development of written language is attributed to multiple ancient civilizations, such as the Sumerians in Mesopotamia, the Egyptians, and the Mesoamericans. These early writing systems emerged independently, likely as a way to keep records, communicate, and transmit knowledge across generations.

What is one way that the Mayan ans Incan approach to language and communication differed?

One way that the Mayan and Incan approach to language and communication differed was in their written systems. The Mayans developed a complex hieroglyphic writing system, while the Incans did not have a developed system of writing. Instead, they relied on a system of knotted strings called quipus to record important information.

The written language developed by the Aryans is?

written language developed by the Aryans

Cuneiform is a form of?

Cuneiform is a form of written language. It is one of the earliest systems of writing that has been discovered.

Did the Nanticoke Indians have a written language?

No. The Nanticoke language died out before a writing system could be developed for it. Linguists use a writing system for it based on latin letters, but this system was not used when Nanticoke was a living language.

Did people in the new stone age have a written language?

During the New Stone Age, also known as the Neolithic period, people did not have a fully developed written language. They primarily communicated through spoken language, symbols, and early forms of pictographs to convey information. Writing systems as we know them today developed later in human history.

When was written language developed?

Written language is believed to have been developed around 3200 BCE in ancient Mesopotamia. The earliest known writing system is called cuneiform, which was used by the Sumerians in present-day Iraq.