The Maastricht Treaty of 1992 accomplished changing the EC into the EU, but did NOT accomplish Political unity of all nations in Europe.
The Euro currency was established in the Maastricht treaty in 1992 - and began 'life' as the ECU (European Currency Unit). It wasn't named the 'Euro' until 1995.
The EEC Treaty, signed in Rome in 1957, brings together France, Germany, Italy and the Benelux countries in a community whose aim is to achieve integration via trade with a view to economic expansion. After the Treaty of Maastricht the EEC became the European Community, reflecting the determination of the Member States to expand the Community's powers to non-economic domains.
All members of the European Union who have joned since the Maastricht treaty are obligated to join the Euro. of the twelve pre-Maastricht members, ten have joined. The United Kingdom and Denmark are the only member states of the EU who can remain outside the Euro. Sweden is legally obligated to join but it has chosen to keep outside the membership criteria.
The Treaty of Versialles. they blames the French, British and Americans blamed Germany for everything.
(Not in any order) Treaty of Versailles, Treaty of Tordesillas, Treaty of Paris 1783, Treaty of Tilsit, Treaty of Ghent, Treaty of Portsmouth, Potsdam treaty, N.A.T.O. (north Atlantic treaty organization), Treaty of Paris 1856, Treaty of Paris 1815. There are a whole more bunch but in my opinion these did the most.
The Maastricht Treaty...
maastricht treaty
Maastricht Treaty
Maastricht, there's a hint in the name
12 countries signed the Maastricht Treaty.
The Treaty of Maastricht
The Treaty of the European Union, or the Maastricht Treaty
The Maastricht Treaty.
The Treaty on the European Union or the Maastricht Treaty
The Maastricht Treaty
The Maastricht Treaty.