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Q: This person wanted to make changes in the Versailles Treaty before Congress would accept it?
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Who is the person wanted to make changes in the Versailles Treaty before Congress would accept it.?

Woodrow Wilson.

What treaty made Germany accept blame for ww1?

Treaty of Versailles

Versailles who would not accept the treaty of Versailles?

The German people would not accept the terms of the Treaty of Versailles as they said that it was a 'Diktat' which means 'Dictatorship' they said this as they were not allowed to have any say in the terms of the treaty. Another reason why the Germans did not accept the treaty was because they did'NT accept the terms of it ie, the military restrictions, the territory loses and the war guilt clause.

War guilt Treaty of Versailles?

Germany had to accept they started the war

The nations was forced to accept war-guilt in the Treaty of Versailles?


Why were German people not prepared to accept the harsh peace terms of the Versailles treaty?

The terms of peace laid out by the Versailles Treaty were actually plans to decimate the German military and economy.

Why were German people not prepared to accept the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles?

The terms of peace laid out by the Versailles Treaty were actually plans to decimate the German military and economy.

Why were the German people not prepared to accept the harsh peace of the Versailles Treaty?

The terms of peace laid out by the Versailles Treaty were actually plans to decimate the German military and economy.

What groups opposed the treaty of Versailles.?

There was a good deal of opposition to the Treaty of Versailles on all sides. The British chastised the French for being too vindictive, while the French marshal felt it was too lenient. There was fierce opposition to the treaty in the United States, and it was not ratified. Germany, who had been ready to accept the lenient Fourteen Points were devastated by the Treaty of Versailles.

Which clause made Germany accept the blame for World War 1 during the Treaty of Versailles?


Why did the Texas congress refuse to accept the treaty negotiated with the Cherokees?

i kill u

Why was the war guilt in the treaty of Versailles most difficult term for Germany to accept?

It identified Germany as the nation that had started the war.