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Q: What European leaders most encouraged exploration of the world?
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What were there factors that encouraged world exploration?

a search for new equipment

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When These persons who created very accurate maps of the world played an important role in European exploration who are? When These persons who created very accurate maps of the world played an important role in European exploration who are?

Why did Henry the navigator believe European exploration was so important?

it because he was responsible for European worldwide exploration

Which was an immediate result of the European age of Exploration?

European influence spread to the Western Hemisphere

There was no reason for the European exploration of the world?

Some people believe that there were good reason for the European exploration if the world. Some people thought it was a good thing. All people have their own opinion.

What was one change caused by european exploration?

european exploration caused much exploration of the united states and helped give us more knowledge of the world . european exploration has caused the us to be what is is today without them exploring to the west of europe the us would not be what it is today

What were 2 main countries that encouraged the age of Exploration?

Spain and Portugal were two main countries that encouraged the Age of Exploration. They sponsored numerous voyages and expeditions to seek out new trade routes and territories around the world.

Why did the Portuguese become leaders of European exploration?

The Portuguese became leaders of European exploration due to their geographic location on the Atlantic coast, their strong maritime traditions, the support of their rulers like Prince Henry the Navigator, and advancements in navigation technology. They established trade routes, colonies, and trading posts around the world, paving the way for other European nations to follow in their footsteps.

What were the goals of the European nations that started sailing out into the world during the age of exploration?

Exploration and commerce to create wealth

What culture influenced European exploration the most?

The culture of the Islamic world had a significant influence on European exploration, particularly in the fields of mathematics, astronomy, navigation, and geography. The knowledge and technologies acquired from the Islamic world helped European explorers in their voyages of discovery.

What effects did the age of exploration have on the world?

The Age of Exploration introduced New World crops to the Old World and vice versa. It led to European countries establishing colonies in the Americas.

What happened as a result of Columbus coming to the American continents?

Christopher Columbus discovered several islands, opened up trade between the New and Old worlds, and encouraged exploration of the New World. The Columbian Exchange