The end of the Cold War changed the global political landscape forever.
Alliances and treaties involved nations and colonies all over the world.
Most Americans supported America's new global leadership role
Going from newest to oldest, Untied States of America, the England Empire, the Roman Empire, The Greek Empire the Egyptian Empire the Mongol Empire and the Persian Empire.
how was England involved in global trade?
The end of the Cold War changed the global political landscape forever.
because of the global warming
Because of the extent of the war. WW2 was fought in Europe, Africa, and Asia. Countries in North America and South America were also involved in the war.
pollution or global warming
America's History in the Making - 2008 Global America 1-21 was released on: USA: 2008
Before the emergence of America as a global power, the United States of America played a minimal to no role in global affairs. Keeping true to George Washington's farewell address, the nation stayed free of "entangling alliances" and did not get involved in the European wars and hostilities.Check out the related links.
she changed when global warming started.others say that she changed when she divorced her husdand.
As Global Warming is involved, Global Ice Sheets are in decline {alarmingly, should be}.
Global video has a site that explains what it is. Basically, Global video is a place where one can go to catch up on their favorite television shows and read entertainment news.
As Global Warming is involved, Global Ice Sheets are in decline {alarmingly, should be}.