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The Lower Canada rebellion was connected to two main themes: 1) the subordination of French Canada and its institutions to the ruling British regime; 2) the resurgence of French Canadian nationalism. French Canadians had secured control of the Lower Canada assembly, led by the emerging middle class, but encountered resistance to attempts to assert regional autonomy from the colonial British authorities. During the 1830s, economic recession and mass Immigration caused severe suffering in Lower Canada and threatened their cultural majorities in Montreal and Quebec City. In response to these problems, the Patriotes, an organised French Canadian party, pushed for major reforms. They cut funding to local governments and civil service, preventing provision of public goods. The British government responded by asserting their control and pushing through the Russell Reforms, rejecting demands for autonomy by French Canada, and leading to the rebellion itself in 1837.

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The Lower Canada rebellion started mainly right after the Constitutional Act, which split the colony into Lower Canada and Upper Canada. The French Canadians made up most of the Legislative Assembly, however they actually had no power. All the power in the government was placed into the hands of the Chateau Clique (Legislative Council). Another reason was that they felt that the French were being discriminated. The British government had encouraged English settlers to settle in the Eastern Townships, increasing the English population. Irish immigrants carrying the disease cholera, were also sent to settle in Quebec. The French Canadians felt that the government was trying to kill off the French population with diseases. The taxes for the French farmers were also rising, whereas the members of the two councils (English) were given salaries.

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The Upper Canada Rebellion of 1837 was led by William Lyon Mackenzie and aimed to establish responsible government and end the oligarchic rule. In Lower Canada, the rebellion of 1837 led by Louis-Joseph Papineau was fueled by grievances over political representation and land rights for French Canadians. Both rebellions sought greater autonomy from British colonial rule.

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Mackenzie found little support in the Upper Canada rebellion because most of the leaders had been arrested, which caused the rebellion to lose most of its momentum.

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They were against each other

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timber trade, transportation Also it had to do with the government Edit********* The rebellion in Lower Canada happened because the merchants and people with money, who owned land were the only ones aloud to vote, while the farmers and lower class people with no land were not aloud.ys i agree but how did it involve transportation......

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