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The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungary throne, by a Bosnian Serb nationalist on 28 June 1914, caused barely a ripple of public interest across most of Europe when it was first reported. Yet what at first appeared to be no more than the most recent incident in a long-standing but localised squabble over power and influence within the Balkans had much wider repercussions. The assassination on that summer Sunday was not the cause of World War I but it was the catalyst that dragged all of Europe's great powers into a conflict of global proportions in not much more than one month.

World War I was the product of many deep-seated issues dividing the various great European powers, economic, political and territorial, for example that was exacerbated by the fact that those involved were bound together by the secret treaties which placed them mutually antagonistic camps, commonly referred to as the Central Powers and the Triple Entente.

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