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These are modern India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Pakistan and Bangladesh did not exist at all under British rule, and Sri Lanka was known as Ceylon.

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India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

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Q: What countries were once part of british india?
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Which country was once part of British India?

Pakistan was once a part of British India. During the Partition in 1947, India and Pakistan were split into their current countries.

Which 3 countries were once part of british India?

pakistan , bangladesh , myamar

Which countries were once part of British India?

India, Pakistan, Burma and East Pakistan (now Bangladesh).

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Myanmar (Burma)

What countries exist today that were once part of India?

Five modern countries were considered to a part of British India: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Maldives.The original partition of India divided it into two countries: Indian and Pakistan. When people talk about India splitting into two countries, they are referring to the Partition of 1947 where the majority of British India was split into two newly independent countries: India and PakistanThe modern country Bangladesh was a part of Pakistan between 1947-1971, until it became independent.Sri Lanka remained under quasi-autonomous British control during the 1947 partition and became an independent country in 1948. Maldives also remained under British control after partition, and became an independent country in 1982.

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What country was once part of British India?

India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Burma.

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Myanmar (Burma)

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Pakistan was a part of India before the British rule. I believe Nepal was formed out of India, but I am not sure. Otherwise, India and Pakistan used to be a part of "India."

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Is India a state of England?

Not any more. India was part of the British Empire once but has long since gained independence.

When did Burma become a part of India?

Burma was never part of India. Burma was once "added" as a province of India after the British conquest of Burma in 1885, but broke away in 1936.