Timur, known as Tamerlane to the Europeans, conqured mostly India and Central Asia and was a decendant of Genghis Khan
When will medical science conquer the scourge of cancer? In what year did the Spanish allegedly conquer the Aztecs?
Invaders often try to conquer a country.
They did not conquer India because it was too cool
The noun forms of the verb to conquer conqueror, conquest, and the gerund, conquering.
Kublai Khan failed to conquer Japan and Java.
Timur Zulfikarov's birth name is Zulfikarov, Timur Kasimovich.
Timur Otus's birth name is Timur Michael Otus.
Timur Batrutdinov's birth name is Timur Takhirovich Batrutdinov.
Mengu-Timur died in 1282.
Timur Apakidze died in 2001.
Timur Selçuk was born in 1946.
Timur Mohamed was born in 1957.
Timur Sadredinov was born in 1989.
Tughlugh Timur died in 1363.
Timur Dibirov was born in 1983.
Timur Kacharava died in 2005.
Timur Kacharava was born in 1985.