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Prince Rupert's Land was a territory in British North America. Areas once belonging to Rupert's Land include all of Manitoba, most of Saskatchewan, southern Alberta, southern Nunavut, northern parts of Ontario and Quebec, as well as parts of Minnesota and North Dakota and very small parts of Montana and South Dakota

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Q: What is called Rupert's Land now?
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What tribes lived in Ruperts land?

the mohawk tribe was one of many tribes who lived in ruperts land

What did Louis riel do in the US?

Scheme to respond to the Canadian invasion of Ruperts Land and to hide from the successful domination of Ruperts Land by Canada.

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His name was called Boy. He never left Prince Ruperts' side. (Even on the battlefield)

What areas of land did Ruperts Land cover?

i really don't know sorry dawg

Why are British army officers called Ruperts?

It's a dig from the lower orders at the upper class status of the Officers, Ruperts are 'posh', or at least they were..... Often from the aristocracy & educated at private schools.

Why did HBC have an advantage over the NWC geographical wise?

They were given a large portion of land surrounding the Hudson bay. The land was called "Ruperts Land". Since the HBC owned the land they had an monopoly of its buisness. Monopoly-complete control(only people aloud to buy and sell furs there)

Is Louis riel a villain?

In Canada he is. Canada bought Ruperts Land and acted like there was no people living there and if any where they would be thrilled to be ruled by Canada. Riel made it impossible to suggest people were not already living in Ruperts Land, worst yet he forced Canada to kill and take land by force. Something they would like to forget.

Where do the siksikas live?

They lived (and currently live) in the Northwestern plains of North America, mostly in Alberta. They also live by Ruperts land in the smallest territory of Nunavut

What is Rupert's Land called now?


Why was ruperts land called ruperts land?

Rupert's Land refers to a large land grant made to The Hudson's Bay Company by King Charles II of England in May of 1670 at the dawn of the North American fur trade explosion. The land grant was issued for a term of 200 years and comprised of the "Seas, Streightes, Bayes, Rivers, Lakes, Creekes and Soundes in whatsoever Latitude they shall bee that lye within the entrance of the Streightes commonly called Hudsons Streightes..." (sic). Essentially, all of the land that Hudson's Bay drained into. As knowledge of the overall geography of North America was vague at this time, it is doubtful the King realized he was essentially granting all the land north to the North Pole; west to the Pacific Ocean; and south to the point where the claim abutted claims by other British subjects, or other states. The name "Rupert's Land" comes from the first governor of The Hudson's Bay Company, the King's cousin, Prince Rupert.

Where would a meteor land?

It wouldn't land. When a meteor lands it is now called a meteorite

Why is Arkansas called land of opportunity?

Arkansas is not the The Land of Opportunity any more now it is called The Natural State for its natural things.