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The chafing dish is of the European origin. Back in 1652 in Paris, Francois Pierre La Varenne referred to the chafing dish in his book; furthermore, in 1520, Hernan Cortez reported to Charles V that Montezuma was served meals using a chafing dish.

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Q: What is the origin of the chaffing dish?
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Not sure it is really the brand that causes the chaffing. I believe it is more of the fabric that is chaffing you. If you are using cotton then you might try underwear that is silk. I honestly believe the fabric is causing the chaffing not the brand.

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Depending on your skin and length of spandex, it may result in some chaffing. Longer spandex tends to cause chaffing more than shorter ones. As long as you take necessary precautions, chaffing shouldn't be a big deal.

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Where can one find chaffing dishes?

There are many online stores where you can purchase chafing dishes. Some of the more popular stores include Amazon, Buzz Catering Supplies and Ced Online.

What is the origin of flautas?

They were just renamed by someone who speaks spanish, but they are the traditional dish named Lumpia served in the Phillipines.