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Religion, Transcendentalists, Temperance, Public Education, Abolition, Woman's Rights, Utopian Communities, Prison Reform. people to look into: Lyman Beecher, Henry David Thoreau, Horace Mann, Dorothea Dix, William Lloyd Garrison, Fredrick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Elizabeth Cady Staton, Lucretia Mott, Sojourner Truth, Catherine Beecher, John Humphrey Noyes, William Chandler, Neal Dow

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Q: What were the reform movements in 1800s America?
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During the 1st half of the 1800s in America many what movements existed?


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What three important movements were started by reformers in the 1800s and what were the goals?

Important reform movements in America during the mid-1800s include: the Second Great Awakening (Christian revival movement), Women's Reform & Abolition (women & blacks faced many restrictions, setbacks & limitations that segregated & oppressed them in society).

What problems in the North led to reform movements of the early 1800s?

what led the north to reform movements was the hardships they endured such as,alcohol consumption , illiteracy, and overcrowded prisons.

Why did economic reform movements develop in the late 1800s?

Economic reform movements developed in the late 1800 because in the late 1800s farmers experienced great economic hardships, suffering from falling prices and rising costs.

What problems in th North led to reform movements of the early 1800s?

what led the north to reform movements was the hardships they endured such as,alcohol consumption , illiteracy, and overcrowded prisons.

What is the name of the increased interested in religion that contributed to many of the reform movements in the US in the 1800s?

the Second Great Awakening

Is the name of the increased interest in religion that contributed to many of the reform movements in the US in the 1800s?

the Second Great Awakening

Why were Northern women much more involved in the reform movements in the 1800s versus Southern women?

Was thinking the same

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Which of the following is the name of the increased interest in religion that contributed to many of the reform movements in the US in the 1800s?

the second great awakening