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The slavers took Africans and sold them as slaves in America. They didn’t bring slaves to England. Google the slave trade.

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Phil Dooley

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Dont be racist

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Phil Dooley

Lvl 1
2y ago
They didn’t. They took them from Africa to America. They didn’t take them to England.

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Q: When did the whites take Africans for slaves to England?
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Why did Europeans take Africans to the colonies of the new world?

Because other Africans sold them to the Europeans as slaves and the new world colonies needed workers.

Why did Europeans view African slaves as a better a source of labor than Native Americans?

There are 3 Answers! Be sure to get them all.AnswerAfricans were immune to the conditions and diseases. It was because the africans were already in contact with the europeans when they had started trading with one another. Europeans felt they could indur the climate because of their skin color. Many Native Americans started to die off because of the diseases. Alot of the native Americans also started to escape,fight back, and many of them died off. They also felt that Africans were cheaper. AnswerThe Native Americans were less resistant to the diseases that the Europeans brought over. The Portuguese and other sailors had already made the selling of African slaves an established trade. In North America, the settlers initially weren't in a position to take Native Americans as slaves because they lived a precarious existence that needed to be at peace with the Natives to continue. AnswerThere were more Africans available and the Europeans found it more pracitcal to buy Africans from Africans than to attempt to capture "Native Americans."

When did Europeans take the Indians as slaves?

Europeans usually took Indians as slaves betweens the 1500's to the 1700. This was because alot of European explorers took expeditions around these times. When they got there and saw indians they took them as prisoner. They killed most of the Indians and kept little as slaves. Because they only really kept africans as slaves because they looked much stronger than anyone. When they saw how skinny and boney the indians were they only took muscular ones and usually killed the rest.

Why did the Europeans take enslaved Africans to the Americas?

They were looking for someone to work the land for them.

Why did europeans need such a large number of slaves?

because they used slaves to take care of their families

Related questions

Did all whites own some land and had slaves in the south?

ANSWER:Not all Whites in the South owned land, nor did they have slaves. Many Whites were just as poor as the Black slaves. Many had to hire themselves out to do work for the wealthy land owners.Some Whites were sharecroppers with powerful plantation owners. Of course the wealthy land owners would take advantage of the Whites, just as they did with their slaves.

Why only Africans were slaves?

Africans were not the only enslaved in American history. Mostly Asian slaves built the railroad. Maybe even Irish. But anyway mostly africans were slaves because it just happened to be Africa that America decided to take people from and make them slaves because they were different. Thanks for the answer! Really helped

What impact did the triangle trade have on Africa?

the people were shipped on boats to Africa to take the Africans and turn them into slaves

Why did Europeans take Africans to the colonies of the new world?

Because other Africans sold them to the Europeans as slaves and the new world colonies needed workers.

What was slavary?

Slavery is when white people take black people for slaves and blacks serve whites.

What was the initial plan of Lincoln for releasing enslaved Africans?

He didn't have an initial plan to release slaves. He planned to take down the South and freeing the slaves was an extra bonus for him

Why were africans mostly slaves?

Africa was one of the most poorest countries, and they didnt have a good army and they were easy to take over.

Why did the northern workers and immigrants oppose slavery?

b/c they was opposed to free labor versus paid wages.the south bought cheaper goods from England instead of northern markets.therefore is the reason for tarriffs against the south to protect northern industry.most northerners where racist and created laws to keep runaway slaves or free blacks from living in the same areas as whites. they believed that whites where superior to blacks and that they shouldn't live amongst whites in any fashion or form!

How were Africans transported to the African port after being created as slaves?

The Slaves that were captured were transported by boat. A particular boat called a slaver. This boat was to take the newly found slaves to the Caribbean to work on sugar plantations.

During the Lincoln Douglass debates which position did Abraham Lincoln take?

Slaves had natural but were not entirely equal to whites- Novanet

What was one result of northern whites' fears of racial equality?

The North in general opposed slavery, however, if it was abolished, many whites had concerns. Many believed that freed slaves would move north and take jobs at lower pay then whites. This was an economic fear. Also, although whites had sympathy for slaves, freeing them and giving them the same equality as whites cut into their racism. They truly believed that Blacks were inferior people. To have them be on an equal basis as whites was a problem for them. There was little fear of race riots.

What was one result of northern whites fears of racial equality?

The North in general opposed slavery, however, if it was abolished, many whites had concerns. Many believed that freed slaves would move north and take jobs at lower pay then whites. This was an economic fear. Also, although whites had sympathy for slaves, freeing them and giving them the same equality as whites cut into their racism. They truly believed that Blacks were inferior people. To have them be on an equal basis as whites was a problem for them. There was little fear of race riots.