Well the language would be scattered considering all the countries involved, but in terms of free speech, no one was allowed to talk; their machinery did all the talk for them.
yes because then we wouldn't have the stuff he invented and we wouldn't be able to see in the dark and we wouln't be able to talk to people on the phone
Because it's a theory that's veyr difficult to believe. Come on, one group that controls the entire world? The world is too complicated for that to be true. Also, the people who peddle these theories aren't usually particularly qualified to make these claims, especially when almost all historical and political academics and decision-makers dismiss the ideas as nonsense. In the face of so much opposition, people assume that anyone who sticks by these theories must be a few bricks short of a pyramid (get it?).
You can talk about how it changed the whole world. Also bring up how it could have been prevented or how many deaths.
The first is that people needed to work together during a hunt. They may have learned to talk so they can outsmart or trap animals. The second is that people learned to talk while helping each other gather and share food.
There are military museums and memorials that have people you can talk to, depending on where you are located. You may be able to find an older person who lived through the time of the Second World War and you could talk to them about it.
it means "talk" - specifically, it means "he/she/it talks", from the verb hablar, and it's also used as "you talk" when speaking polite, like for instance with older people.
If you mean talkig to other people while playing online, then no.
its mean that u mean it or its true
some people talk nasally because they have a disease it fill like they're real voice is trap inside but when u get older it get better
hahaha ;) gud luck! But be yourself. That's how i talk to my seniors or the guys older than me ^_^. don't act. alot of people say be yourself but it's true. stay natural.
you can block it from people who are older than u and people u don't know and meet people u want to know and talk to them and make it private if someone ask about your age you should never tell them.
i don't think people should talk cause their is nothing to talk about in this world
It means you talk to people you socialize with them :)
It could mean a number of things. Maybe she and her friends find you interesting. People talk about people in life, good or bad.
Well it usually stands for the word, "people". Normal shortcut that some people use. in stead of that crazy talk up there!!its text talk ttyn(talk to you never)
Well you know how people say talk to the hand.....thats exactly what it is......