Answer this question…Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill, and Franklin D. Roosevelt
Answer this question…Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill, and Franklin D. Roosevelt
the four world leaders that attended Versailles Peace Conference were: Woodrow Wilson, Vittorio Orlando, David Lloyd George, and George Clemenceau
In Paris in 1919 the leaders of the victorious counties met to discuss the peace settlement.
Yalta; Postdam
Answer this question…Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill, and Franklin D. Roosevelt
The allied leaders met for a conference in July of 1945 the in Potsdam.
The "Big 3", known as Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt (and other allies) met at Casablanca and Yalta and Potsdam to plan and discuss matters concerning the war.
The leaders of the major countries remaining in World War I at the time of the armistice met to discuss terms of surrender in Paris in 1919. There, they drafted the detested Treaty of Versailles.
· Yalta Conference · Yanks · Yorktown class of US aircraft carriers The February 1945 Yalta Conference is a WW II word. Allied leaders met in a Russian town to discuss the post war reorganization of Europe.
The Quebec Conference in 1943 was a secret meeting attended by the leaders of the British, Canadian and United States governments. They discussed the planning for the invasion of France.
They met to discuss the terms under which the Soviet Union would enter the war against Japan. APEX
charlottetown conference Actually they talked about combining the maritimes to make a maritime union!!
The conference for climate change, also known as the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP), is held in various countries around the world. It is an annual event where global leaders, policymakers, and stakeholders come together to discuss and negotiate actions to address climate change.
The three key meetings of the Grand Alliance during World War II were the Tehran Conference in 1943, the Yalta Conference in 1945, and the Potsdam Conference in 1945. These meetings brought together the leaders of the United States, the Soviet Union, and the United Kingdom to coordinate their war efforts and discuss post-war plans.
the leaders were very angre with the invasion of manchuria!
Summit Conference is used sometimes for a meeting between the leaders of two world powers that have serious matters to discuss. State visit is a term used when a leader visits a foreign country and is received by its leader.