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the french monarch that was killed was King Louis XVI. he, along with many others, were killed in the Reign of Terror. Many of the people that were killed were suspected of plotting against the Robespierre government. about 17000 were killed in all. including some philosophers. thomas Paine was almost killed too until James monroe saved him. others were suspected of supporting the Austria-Prussia alliance about to invade France.

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Louis XVI, the last king of France. He was beheaded by guillotine on January 21st 1793.

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King Louis XVI (along with his wife and queen Marie Antoinette)

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Louis XVI, the GREAT-grandson of Louis XIV (sun king) and husband of Marie Antoinette

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King Louis XVI.

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King Louis XVI.

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king Louis XVI

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King Louis XVI

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Louis XVI

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Q: Who is the French monarchs who were executed during the French Revolution?
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Monarchs of France during the French Revolution?

Louis XVI who was guillotined.

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Sad but true.

French King who was executed during the Revolution?

The King that was executed during the French revolution was Louis XVI and he got executed if you wanted to know was because his value as a hostage was seen less value than the threat he posed as a living symbol of the French Monarchy.

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They did have a royal family, but they were executed during the French Revolution.

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He was not executed. He died because of gangrene and old age. Louis XVI was the French King that was executed during the French Revolution.

French king executed during French revolution?

King Louis XVI was guillotined on 21 January 1793.

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French king executed during the revolution?

King Louis XVI on 21 January 1793 by guillotine.

He and his wife Marie Antoinette were executed during the French Revolution?

He = Louis XVI, the last King of France.