India was still under the control of the marathas.Only the british had defeated the nawab of Bengal ''siraj-ud-daula'' and had acquired a nominal power in Bengal by putting a puppet by the name of ''mir jafar'' on the throne of,in that sense no one actually took control of India.It was however done partially,if not completely,in 1764 after the defeat of the mughals in the battle of buxar at the hands of Sir Hector Munro.
The British first arrived in India around 1600. They came to trade. The British East India Company was formed to facilitate that trade. The French were also there. At the end of the Seven Years War (1756-1763), the French lost there trading rights in India and the British East India company began to establish greater control, generally through agreements with the Mughal rulers. By the 1840's the British East India Company had control of much of India. In 1857, the Sepoy troops used by the BEIC rebelled against the British. Conditions were bad in India. Following the rebellion, the British government ended the charter of the British East India Company and took over the management of India, making it a colony. Queen Victoria became the Empress of India. It remained a British colony until 1947. This time period is known as the British Raj.
No French revolutionary took control of a government in 1917; however a Russian revolutionary, Vladimir Lenin, took control of the Russian government in 1917.
The East India Company was, strictly speaking, a commercial company. British interests play off one leader against another & seek to divide & rule the Indian provinces. Using Military power alliances are formed over time & a groundswell of popular support is gradually fostered. Quite how it all comes together, the British ruling such a diverse sub-continent, with relatively few resources, is something I do not know enough to answer. But what I do know, which has great resonance today, is that the British never conquered Afghanistan........
After the radicals took control of the assembly, they called for a new legislative body called the National Convention.
AnswerEnglish businessmen first came to India in 1612 as the English East India Company in pursuit of the spice trade. Until the early 1700s, they competed with other European trading companies. With the decline of the Mughal Empire, English influence increased. Then, in 1757, as part of the world-wide Seven Years War between the English and French, the French East India Company with their Bengali allies attacked the English East India Company in West Bengal about 150 km north of Calcutta. The British came to India to look for spices. and gold and silver but when they saw that Indians were fighting among themselves they eventually took control over India. The Indians then saw that the Britishers came to India for wealth but they were taking control of their land. The Britishers stole Indian things and became very rich. They asked Indians to give their land to them but Indians didn't agree with that and tried their best to get independent and free. People like mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev, Jawarharlal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose comforted the people by giving them hope that one day they will get independent. They gave their lives to help India get free and independent. The Britishers were expecting Indians to change their religion and become Christians. The Indians started wearing British clothes, shoes and tried to follow British fashion and technology but Gandhiji told people to burn British clothes and start follow our religion and culture.the Britishers colonized India for almost 200 years. but finally India got freedom on 15th august 1947. just after one year Dr. Ambedkar finished writing the constitution and laws of India on 26th January which is celebrated as republic day.The Indians struggled a lot and salute to those people who died and helped India to get independent.
The British.
The Battle of Plassey .
They defeated the Mughal Empire and took control of India's government.
the battle of Plassey
The English East India Company had defeated Siraj-ud-daulah at the Battle of Plassey in 1757. This was their first step towards plundering Bengal's prosperity. Again, after the company acquired the Diwani rights from the Mughal emperor,Shah Alam II their control over Bengal, Bihar, Orissa was legally acknowledged.
chandragupta maurya I took control of everything so ye punks
Company rule in India was created in 1757.
battle of plassey
The Battle of Plassey occurred on June 23, 1757 in Bengal, India. The battle only lasted a few hours. The battle also decided the fate of India by establishing British dominance in the two most profitable regions of India for European traders, Bengal and the Carnatic.
The term, Raj