In science, I would say Thomas Edison and Sir Isaac newton because most of our today's world runs on the basis of the principles (electricity and gravity) they discovered or found.
Another man that was listed as the most important many of the millenia on the history channel is the man who invented the printing press - Johannes Gutenberg.
The most important event in all history is the coming of Jesus Christ.
you tell me
God has Invented the most important thing and given us the most important thing.Life and love.
The most important quality for a student of history is a thirst for knowledge; to have a strong desire to know why, when, where, who, and how. I know this for a fact because I am a lifelong student of history.
The most important event in American history that starts with the letter O is probably the Olympics.
what is the most important event in history of N.Z?
The most important man to the Confederacy is the general.
The most important event in all history is the coming of Jesus Christ.
Though it was an important battle during WWII it cannot be called the most important event in history
As discussed, the four most important influences of Western art history are:
the two European countries most important in Canadian history are Britain and France
T.L.O v. New Jersey is the most important court case in American History.
The Wheel
you tell me
Undoubtedly, Saint Peter, the first pope, was the most important in the history of the Church.