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The Roman Empire was ruled by Roman law.

The Roman empire was ruled by Roman law.

The Roman empire was ruled by Roman law.

The Roman empire was ruled by Roman law.

The Roman empire was ruled by Roman law.

The Roman empire was ruled by Roman law.

The Roman empire was ruled by Roman law.

The Roman empire was ruled by Roman law.

The Roman empire was ruled by Roman law.

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Main authority in the Roman Republic was the Senate. Other authorities were Assembly of the Centuries, Assembly of the Tribes, Plebeian Council. Important officials were consuls, praetors, censors, aediles, quaestors, tribunes and dictators.

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The Roman empire was ruled by Roman law.

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Q: Who was the roman republic ruled by?
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How republic was a roman republic?

The Roman Republic was a republic fully because it was not ruled by a king or other aristocrats. This is the definition of a republic. That is all you need to be a republic. A republic can be a democracy, an oligarchy or a dictatorship, so long as it is not ruled by a king or other aristocrats.

Who ruled the Roman republic?

AnswerJulius Caesar, after him Octavius Caesar AnswerThe Roman Republic was governed by the Senate, as elected representatives of the Roman citizens. The Roman Empire was ruled by the various Emperors, Julius Caesar being the first of them. The next of the Emperors was Octavius Caesar.

Who ruled Rome after 509 BC?

In 509 BC, the Roman Republic was formed and the Consuls and other magistrates ruled, along with the senate.In 509 BC, the Roman Republic was formed and the Consuls and other magistrates ruled, along with the senate.In 509 BC, the Roman Republic was formed and the Consuls and other magistrates ruled, along with the senate.In 509 BC, the Roman Republic was formed and the Consuls and other magistrates ruled, along with the senate.In 509 BC, the Roman Republic was formed and the Consuls and other magistrates ruled, along with the senate.In 509 BC, the Roman Republic was formed and the Consuls and other magistrates ruled, along with the senate.In 509 BC, the Roman Republic was formed and the Consuls and other magistrates ruled, along with the senate.In 509 BC, the Roman Republic was formed and the Consuls and other magistrates ruled, along with the senate.In 509 BC, the Roman Republic was formed and the Consuls and other magistrates ruled, along with the senate.

What happend before Rome was able to form a republic?

Before Rome was able to form a republic, the Roman people were ruled by kings. The monarchy grew oppressive therefore it was overthrown and the republic born.Before Rome was able to form a republic, the Roman people were ruled by kings. The monarchy grew oppressive therefore it was overthrown and the republic born.Before Rome was able to form a republic, the Roman people were ruled by kings. The monarchy grew oppressive therefore it was overthrown and the republic born.Before Rome was able to form a republic, the Roman people were ruled by kings. The monarchy grew oppressive therefore it was overthrown and the republic born.Before Rome was able to form a republic, the Roman people were ruled by kings. The monarchy grew oppressive therefore it was overthrown and the republic born.Before Rome was able to form a republic, the Roman people were ruled by kings. The monarchy grew oppressive therefore it was overthrown and the republic born.Before Rome was able to form a republic, the Roman people were ruled by kings. The monarchy grew oppressive therefore it was overthrown and the republic born.Before Rome was able to form a republic, the Roman people were ruled by kings. The monarchy grew oppressive therefore it was overthrown and the republic born.Before Rome was able to form a republic, the Roman people were ruled by kings. The monarchy grew oppressive therefore it was overthrown and the republic born.

Who was the emporo when the rome empire started?

The Roman empire began after the second Punic war and a that time Rome did not have an emperor, it was the republic and was ruled by elected officials.The Roman empire began after the second Punic war and a that time Rome did not have an emperor, it was the republic and was ruled by elected officials.The Roman empire began after the second Punic war and a that time Rome did not have an emperor, it was the republic and was ruled by elected officials.The Roman empire began after the second Punic war and a that time Rome did not have an emperor, it was the republic and was ruled by elected officials.The Roman empire began after the second Punic war and a that time Rome did not have an emperor, it was the republic and was ruled by elected officials.The Roman empire began after the second Punic war and a that time Rome did not have an emperor, it was the republic and was ruled by elected officials.The Roman empire began after the second Punic war and a that time Rome did not have an emperor, it was the republic and was ruled by elected officials.The Roman empire began after the second Punic war and a that time Rome did not have an emperor, it was the republic and was ruled by elected officials.The Roman empire began after the second Punic war and a that time Rome did not have an emperor, it was the republic and was ruled by elected officials.

Is the republic ruled by the people?

If you mean the Roman Republic, it was nominally ruled by the people, but one man did not have one vote. The Roman voting was done by blocks and one block had one vote.

Was it kings or empires that ruled the roman republic?

Neither. The ancient Romans ousted their kings in 509 BC and formed the republic. The republic was ruled by the Roman people (technically) who elected their officials. The period of rule by the emperors came after the fall of the republic and was called the principate.

What Ancient Roman period was ruled by an oligarchy or a government by aristocrats?

The Republic.

Did Augustus maintain or support the roman empire?

Augustus ruled the Roman Empire. After the fall of the Roman Republic he became the first Roman Emperor.

Who in the roman household held absolute power?

From 753bc -509bc it was ruled by kings. 509bc-31bc it was ruled by a republic. 31bc-1453ad it was ruled by emperors.

Who ruled Rome for many years and was finally conquered by the founders of the Roman Republic?

The kings ruled Rome at the beginning of the city and then were overthrown by Lucius Junius Brutus who established the Republic.

What type of government did roman had before?

they were ruled by the etrscans kings for about a century. then they set up the republic.