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Q: Who were the two nations not at the Paris Peace Conference?
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Two of the three men sent to represent America at the peace conference?

The Paris Peace Conference took place in 1918 after the last battle of World War I. There was one American at the conference, Woodrow Wilson who was a part of the Allied Big Four.

What were two of the peace treaty?

Borders of some European nations changed. The League of Nations was formed.

What two countries gained territory at the Paris peace conferance?


What were the major points of the treaty of Paris?

im board and i don't the the answer

What were two terms of peace treaty?

Borders of some European nations changed. The League of Nations was formed.

What were two terms of the peace treaty?

Borders of some European nations changed. The League of Nations was formed.

What were the two main goals of the League of Nations?

to promote international cooperation and ,to keep peace amog nations

The Central Power that was divided into two nations by the peace treaty was?


What were the big four peacemakers at the Paris Peace Conference?

Thirty Two different countries met in Paris on January 1919 to decide what to do with defeated Axis Powers. Four men took charge, called 'The Big Four' - David Lloyd George, Prime Minister of The United Kindom Georges Clemenceau - Prime Minister of France. Woodrow Wilson - President of the United States of America and Vittorio Orlando, Prime minister of Italy.They were the dominant diplomatic figures at the conference. The conclusions of their talks were imposed on the defeated countries. Germany was not invited, and Russia was not to receive anything because it retired from war.

What are two main goals of the United Nations?

the two main goals of the u.n. are peace and human dignity.

What is another word for negotiations or talks between two nations?

peace talks? or peace compromises diplomatic exchanges

What two important decisions were made at the yalta conference?

the foundation of the world's first real world government, the United Nations.