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They helped to build railroads

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Q: Why are were Chinese immigrants important to the development of the west?
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Related questions

Where did many Chinese immigrants settle?

Most Chinese immigrants settled in the western cities. Most of them were in California.

What role did the Irish and Chinese immigrants play in the settlement of the West?

Irish and Chinese immigrants provided a large portion of the workforce to build the Transcontinental Railroad.

Which the immigrants in the West bore the brunt of labor hostility in the 1870s and 1880s?

The Chinese

What industry hired Chinese and Irish immigrants to work in the west?

The Railroad Industry.

Railroads throughout the west were built by?

The central pacific hired the Chinese and the union pacific hired the irish.

In the West who were the immigrants who built the railroads and bore the brunt of labor hostility in the 1870s and 1880s?

Chinese Railroad men

What two groups of immigrants were used to create the transcontinental rainroad?

The two main ethnic groups were CHINESE & IRISH. Im not sure if there were black and white, but CHINESE & IRISH for sure.

Who helped complete railroad?

Primarily Irish immigrants from the east cost of the US, and Chinese immigrants from the west. There were other ethnic groups who worked on the railroads, but these were the largest groups.

Why was there anti-asian sentiment on the west coast?

Particularly in the West, native-born workers feared that jobs would go to Chinese immigrants, who would accept lower wages. The depression of 1873 intensified anti-Chinese sentiment in California.

Where did US west coast immigrants go and who were they?

In the 19th Century, many Chinese immigrants made California their home. The current huge Chinatown in San Francisco displays that. With that said, many Chinese found work building the railroads. Sadly they were treated like dirt.

What were the similarities and the differences between immigration to the west coast and immigration to the east coast and Midwest of the US in the 1890s?

Immigration to the west coast mainly consisted of Chinese immigrants (except during the Chinese Exclusion Act). Chinese immigrants worked on the railroad and moved somewhat throughout the west. Immigration in the east mainly consisted of southern and eastern European immigrants. They would arrive at Ellis Island and rarely move about the east, they would usually stay in major cities such as NYC and Philadelphia. Immigrants of the east had difficulties assimilating, as most of the WASPS wanted, because they tended to keep their culture and traditions. Most of the immigrants were young men and had little education and did not speak much English and went to work in factories.

How has modern development helped people take advantage of the natural resources available in the West?

The modern development has helped people take advantage of the natural resources available in the west by immigrating to the west. Most of the people who do heavy labor work at the mines are usually the immigrants.