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North Korea is not a world superpower, the average income is 1000 dollars American and 90 percent of the population is severly mal-nurished

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Q: Why is north Korea a global superpower?
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Is south korea in the global south?

No, it is in the global north.

Was North Korea affected by the global recession?

NO. North Korea was not affected in any meaningful way by the global recession, but this is primarily because North Korea is an autarky (which means it engages in little to no international trade). North Korea's economy is a consistent failure.

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The US grew greatly in global influence in the 19th century and became a superpower in the 20th century. The US is still a superpower in the 21st century.

Who is communist north Korea or south Korea?

North Korea is communist South Korea is capitalist

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North Korea is a serious threat to, not only it's immediate neighbors but on a global level also. There is no way to know when or if North Korea will start a nuclear war until it actually happens.

Is Kia made in North or South Korea?

It would depend on the products you have purchased. However, without very special exceptions, products that have been labelled with "Made In Korea" are mostly from SOUTH Korea. North Korea is not economically active in global market. Whereas SOUTH Korea places the 11th of the world Export Sales rankings

What country has a one party system?

North Korea

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North Korea attacked South Korea.

When a country creates a culyure that stress miitary strength and achicvement it is known as?

A global Superpower.

What country invade South Korea?

North Korea.

What is South Korea north of?

North Korea.... -_-

In east Asia is Seoul a city located in north Korea?

It is not located in North Korea; it is located in South Korea.