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Because the treaty left them no choice but to face starvation.

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Q: Why were the Germans angry about the terms of the Versailles?
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How do you use Treaty of Versailles in a sentence?

Germans were angry that their leaders had signed the Treaty of Versailles. When Germany failed to pay reparations ordered by the Treaty of Versailles, France occupied the Ruhr Valley.

What does The Germans signed the Treaty of Versailles means?

It means exactly what it says: the Germans signed the Treaty of Versailles.

What came first world war 1 or Treaty of Versailles?

The treaty. The Germans considered it unfair and they got so angry that they immediately started the war-

Was the US rights to reject the Treaty of Versailles?

Yes, because the terms were too harsh towards the Germans and made then spiteful.

Why did many Germans consider the terms of the treaty of Versailles as unnecessarily harsh?

The Versailles Treaty created peace only because it ended the fighting. All it did was punish Germany for its part in the war.

Why are Germans so angry?

Germans are so angry because they are superior.

What was Adolf Hitler's popularity aided by?

Hitler was popular in his opposition to what Germans saw as inequitable terms of the Versailles Treaty. He also appealed to German nationalism. He blamed many of Germany's problems on the "lesser races" such as the Jews.

Which nations were responsible for the Treaty of Versailles?

Germans and there allies Answer # 2 The above answer is incorrect. The French and the British were responsible for setting the terms of the Treaty of Versailles (if you are referring to the treaty the ended WWI). Germany, at that time, was not strong enough to set the terms; if so the terms would have been very different.

Versailles who would not accept the treaty of Versailles?

The German people would not accept the terms of the Treaty of Versailles as they said that it was a 'Diktat' which means 'Dictatorship' they said this as they were not allowed to have any say in the terms of the treaty. Another reason why the Germans did not accept the treaty was because they did'NT accept the terms of it ie, the military restrictions, the territory loses and the war guilt clause.

Why were German people not prepared to accept the harsh peace terms of the Versailles treaty?

The terms of peace laid out by the Versailles Treaty were actually plans to decimate the German military and economy.

Who signed Treaty of Versailles?

The Germans

Many Germans felt they had been treated unfairly in the what?

Many Germans felt they had been treated unfairly in the Treaty of Versailles