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World War 1 was a pivotal time period for women. It gave women the opportunity to prove themselves in a male- dominated society, doing more than cleaning houses and tending children. With so many men at war, there was a large gap in employment and in response, women came in to replace them!

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Q: Women and World War I
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What did women do in World War I that is about World War 1?

in WW1 (world war 1) women were making food in factory and weapons for the solders

Why were women in World War 2?

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What types of jobs did women do in World War I?

in world war 1 women were nusres and they made ammunition for the men

What are some websites and books about women's duties during World War 2?

"Women in World War II

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Monument to the Women of World War II was created in 2005.

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I'm puzzled by the question. German women did not 'oppose World War 1'.

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how did world war one affect the relations between men and women? how did world war one affect the relations between men and women?

Where there any women in the military in World War I and 2?

Yes, there were women in world war 1 and 2. The women had to work on farms and grow food for the men

Which organization provided women a chance to contribute to the war effort during World War 2?

The Women's Army Corps was a place where women could serve during World War II.

What was a women's perspective of the war during World War 1?

Women had diverse perspectives on the war during World War 1. Some women felt that the war efforts were unjustified and they refused to help in the war efforts. Other women wanted to show support in every way possible.

What kind of work did women do in World War I?

in world war 1 the women were used to clean wounds and take care of the injured