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Western Australia is the largest state in the world.

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Q: World largest state
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Which state has the largest gypsum deposit in the world?

New Mexico

What is the difference between a world state and a state description and a search node and Why is this distinction useful?

A world state is how reality is or could be. In one world state we’re in Arad, in another we’re in Bucharest. The world state also includes which street we’re on, what’s currently on the radio, and the price of tea in China. A state description is an agent’s internal description of a world state. Examples are In(Arad) and In(Bucharest). These descriptions are necessarily approximate, recording only some aspect of the state.We need to distinguish between world states and state descriptions because state description are lossy abstractions of the world state, because the agent could be mistaken about how the world is, because the agent might want to imagine things that aren’t true but it could make true, and because the agent cares about the world not its internal representation of it.Search nodes are generated during search, representing a state the search process knows how to reach. They contain additional information aside from the state description, such as the sequence of actions used to reach this state. This distinction is useful because we may generate different search nodes which have the same state, and because search nodes contain more information than a state representation.

Where was world's first city-state?


What does location mean in world history?

it means which state your in, or where you are.

Where was an independent arab state created after world war 1-?

in what later became the country of lebanin

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What is the second largest state in the world?

Russia is the largest country in the world by land area, and Canada is the second largest state in the world.

Where is the world's largest state?

Technically Russia is but Alaska is the largest U.S. State.

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What is the second largest stae?

The second largest state, as in country, is Canada. The second largest state in the world is Alaska. The second largest state in the US is Texas.

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What is the largest state by size?

The largest of the United States is Alaska. The largest of the states in the World is Russia.

What is the largest size state?

The largest of the United States is Alaska. The largest of the states in the World is Russia.

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There is no largest building in the world in Washington. If you're looking for the largest building in the world, that would be the Burj Khalifa.

In what state is the world's largest canyon located?

The world's largest canyon is not in the United States. The world's largest canyon is the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon in Tibet.

Who is the world's largest producer of corn?

The United States is the world's largest producer of corn.

3rd largest state by area but has largest population?

California - and the 5 th largest economy in the world

2nd largest state in the world?

Canada is the second largest country in the world by land area, after Russia.