Yusei's middle name is not revealed. In general, the Japanese do not use middle names.
Yusei will marry aki. they kiss and flirt at each other. I have even draw a picture of them kissing plus my name is yussay which sounds the same as yusei. i have kissed a girl it felt really good. her name is akirisa. i am 15 2010 she was 14 2010 .
yugi can beat yusei anytime. yugi moto is the strongest.
yusei is better than yugi moto, but yami yugi is better than yusei.
Well since Yusei has beaten Jack a couple of times, i would say Yusei is better
Yusei Kudo was born on 1986-04-05.
Yusei Kikuchi was born on 1991-06-17.
No, because Akiza leaves before she confesses her love for Yusei.
yes they do because when they duel each other Akiza learns that Yusei's the only one who understands her and vise versa for Yusei
Yes, she is. She teased Yusei about liking her and when she met Aki she did a smirkish smile, not to mention Aki's father wants her with Yusei as well.
No, in the anime Yusei Fudo never becomes a Dark Signer.