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Yes if you are sick with a cold it MAY end up that your dog may catch it! My cat got sick from me once. I had a really bad cold and it caught it. If you have an animal and you have a cold it probably will catch it. Animals usully catch colds not a lot of other things they can catch from you!

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Q: Animal cures effect human and animal health?
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Is animal experimentation right or wrong?

I believe that animal experimentation is the right thing to do and it is needed. Without it we would not find any cures for diseases and many lives will be lost. So i personally agree with it. Animal experimentation is arguable morally, but it is undeniable that it saves lives physically so if it's wrong please tell that to the people you might condemn.

What does cutting a dead mouse in half and rubbing on your face cure?

I cures your sanity :p

Once you have mixed your DNA with animal DNA can you change into any animal?

You never know, it's worth a shot, and mostly anything can happen. Who says you can't do it, or it isn't true? Just believe in yourself, because you just never know. Don't listen to some unbeliever who's got nothing better to do than to put people's dreams down. This is the 21st Century for crying out loud! Pretty soon we'll be coming up with and cures for all cancers in the 22nd and 23rd centuries, heck, even now. Lord knows the world is rapidly changing, and so do we. We've just got to make our dreams, even our most impossible ones, be known to others and just DO IT. You do that, and anything can happen. Listen to how YOU feel and think, and I mean your thoughts not being what OTHERS feel and think. Trust yourself, because with a little faith, anything is possible.

What snake is the most poisonous in Ohio?

The Answer to this question is the Red Back Rattle Snake if you ever get bit by one of these snakes if you have a buddy next to you have him lick you dickhole for that it cures it in 2 minutes.

Why do Africans eat jaguar?

i don't know. They might eat it because they think it cures a disease?

Related questions

Have helpful cures been found from animal testing?

All medication has been animal tested...

Why do you use animal testing?

Animal testing helps to cure diseases and to discover new cures and vaccines for both, animals AND humans. It is totally normal that humans use animals to test on because we use nature for our own health. However, animal testing used for cosmetics is completely cruel and unnecessary.

Is animal testing for diseases ok?

Yes because if scientists did not do it on animals there would not be any cures.

Is fair that they use animal for your heath?

No I am a non believer in animal abuse however many medicines have been modified and many cures for diseases have been created due to the testing of medicine on animals

Is animal euthanasia good?

No. Animal euthanasia is not good and is wrong. Here are some reasons why: Animal euthanasia is not natural. Animal euthanasia discourages vets to find new cures. Animals should be cared for until they die naturally. Animal euthanasia discourages vets to actually care for the animals. We shouldn't TAKE the life of an animal. Think about this: if you were to euthanize a suffering animal (due to the cost of a cure for example) did you really love it? Because if you did, would you kill it or care for it? And you never know, your care could result in a healthy, loving pet.

What are the good points of animal testing?

cures and treatments most don't hurt animals because Craig foster said so

What treatments or cures have been found by animal testing AND be specific name at least 5?

none what so ever so they need to stop

What cures have you found from animal testing?

I haven't done any applied research with animal testing, although I have done basic research with them in the past. However, every drug and medication that is on the market today has had animal testing. Antibiotics, Pain Meds, Heart Meds, etc. Certainly animal research also includes basic research and not every test will result in a marketable drug.

Is animal testing illegal in Australia?

No, it is legal in Australia but it should be illlegal because it is a cruel way to test cures for human diseases, illnesses, cancers ect.

How does salt water effect wood?

It doesn't effect the wood, It CURES the WOOD!

What is good about animal abuse?

Animal Testing is a part of animal abuse. 1. Cures and diseases have been made to save human lives. Treatments to diabetes, cancer, aids, etc. would not be available if it were not for animal testing. 2. Many things that have been discovered through animal testing also benefit other animals, and not just humans. 3. Most animal testing doesn't hurt the animal. Behavior experiments are often all that happens, and the animal gets a treat for doing something very easy like pressing a button. 4. There are institutional review boards that oversee testing to ensure that the animals are treated as well as possible. If you have any more suggestions of how animal abuse is good, please edit and add more topics of animal abuse and more numbers of how it is good. I personally think animal is never good. It involves unnecessary cruelty to innocent living creatures.

What does full restore do on Pokemon?

Full Restore fully restores a Pokemon's health and cures it from any status effect it has. You can buy them by the time you're about to face the Elite 4.