

Are Araucana chickens good mothers

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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While the Araucana hen is considered to be "more wild" than most chickens, they are good mothers. Once they decide to go broody it is hard to persuade them off the nest.

Putting extra eggs under them once they do set, is well, risky to the fingers. They are active in the defense of the chicks once hatched and can herd the babies quite well. I lose chicks to some of the more aggressive hens every year but not when they are taken care of by an Araucana mother.

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Color of the bird does not determine the gender with Araucana Chickens. I breed and raise Araucana and Americana chickens and have had both cockerels and pullets in Lavender feather.

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I raise true Araucana chickens and Araucana hens are usually a bit slow to start laying. On average in good conditions and with excellent lighting, the Araucana hens with lay their first eggs at around 5 to 6 months old. Americana chickens will often start to lay eggs much sooner at about 16 weeks of age.

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Chickens are the closest living relatives to the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Some breeds of chickens, such as the Araucana and Ameraucana breeds (also known as Easter Egg Chickens) can lay eggs varying in color, from blue to green.

Do Araucana's lay brown eggs?

No. True Araucanas lay blue eggs. Mixed breed easter egger or EE chickens can lay eggs of almost any color. Brown eggs from a "Araucana" suggests mixed breed.

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Robins. Also, less common species of chickens such as the Araucana and the Ameraucana produce interesting colors and patterns of eggs.

Do Eggs only come in white and brown?

Absolutely not! Araucana and Ameraucana breeds lay colored egg in shades of green, blue, violet and rose.There are pictures of these eggs on my profile page because I raise Araucana chickens, I even have a few hens that lay "antique gold" eggs.

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What is an Araucana?

An Araucana is a type of poultry notable for laying blue or green eggs, known in the United States as the South American Rumpless.

Is the araucanian chicken broody?

yes they are all mine were and made very good mums and im guessing you mean araucana

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