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No. They're not even the same genus. The worms share a similar function for composting, but they're two completely different animals.

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Q: Are Eisenia Fetida and Lumbricus rubellus the same species?
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Are red wiggler worms and red earthworms the same thing?

The two, red wiggler worms and red earthworms are related however they aren't the same animal. The red wiggler worm or eisenia fetida is of the same family, lumbricidae as the red worm or lumbricus rubellus, however they are of different genera.

Which worm is better for composting Eisenia Foetida or Lumbricus Rubellus?

Eisenia fetida. is the best choice. L. rubellus is invasive and is threatening North American Forests. Quoting from: Invasive Earthworms—A Threat to North American Forests Plants & Gardens News | Volume 19, Number 1 | Spring 2004 by Niall Dunne "In 2002, Michael Gundale of Michigan Technological University published a report detailing how the epigeic bait and compost worm Lumbricus rubellus may be wiping out populations of the rare goblin fern, Botrychium mormo, and possibly other rare native plants too, in the Chippewa National Forest. Gundale credits the epigeic worm's destruction of mycorrhizal fungi in the soil as a reason for the goblin fern's decline. "John C. Maerz and colleagues from Cornell University have found strong evidence linking salamander decline in the hardwood forests of central New York and southeastern Pennsylvania to invasions by L. rubellus and Asian Amynthas species, among others. ..." "... With invasive earthworms wriggling amok in our forest soils, gardeners who use worms to decompose kitchen scraps and plant waste may want to take a closer look at what they’ve got growing in their compost piles. Some of the traits that make worms ideal for vermicomposting—such as high reproductive rate and adaptability—may also make them potentially successful invaders. "The worm predominantly sold for composting is the red wiggler or red tiger worm, Eisenia fetida. It has a rusty brown color with alternating yellow and maroon bands down the length of its body; a pigmentless membrane separates each segment. It grows up to three inches long and is highly prolific. Though the worm has established itself in the wild here, so far it has not been identified as a problem species. "Another popular compost species, the red worm, Lumbricus rubellus, is causing trouble, however, and should be avoided. It also grows up to three inches long and has a history of being confused with E. fetida. This worm is dark red to maroon, has a light yellow underside, and lacks striping between segments. "In The Earth Moved (Algonquin Books, 2004), a wonderful new book on earthworms by Amy Stewart, forest ecologist Cindy Hale advises worm composters to freeze their castings in air-tight bags for a least a week before adding them to garden soil, no matter what worms species they use. "It won't hurt the soil microbes, but it will kill all the worms.""

Would worms like soil or sand the most?

fertile and wetWorms are adapted to live in any soil that holds moisture and has enough organic matter to sustain them. Earthworms do better in loams, clay loams, and silty soils than they do in sandy soil, mainly because sandy soil drains too quickly and doesn't have enough organic matter to feed them. Red compost worms, Eisenia fetida, live under pools of organic matter, like depressions where leaves settle in the fall. They live in the mulch layer between the soil and the surface, not in the soil itself.

Related questions

Are Eisenia fetida the best decomposers?

yes the Eisenia Fetida (red worm) or the Lumbricus rubellus (red earthworm)

What is the scientific name of the earth?

AnnelidAnswerThere are many species Earthworm. Examples are: Eisenia andrei, Eisenia fetida, Lumbricus terrestris. Earthworms belong in the Class Oligochaeta in the Phylum Annelida.

What is the scientific name of the earth worm?

AnnelidAnswerThere are many species Earthworm. Examples are: Eisenia andrei, Eisenia fetida, Lumbricus terrestris. Earthworms belong in the Class Oligochaeta in the Phylum Annelida.

What is common name of earthworm?

There are many species of Earthworm.Examples are: Lumbricus terrestris, Eisenia fetida, Eisenia andrei

What are the four common species of compost worms?

Eisenia andrei, Eisenia fetida, Dendrobaena venta and Lumbricus rubellus are the four common species of compost worms. They have the respective common names of red tiger worms, of brandling or manure or tiger worms, of blue noses, and of blood or red worms or red wigglers. They operate best in temperature ranges of 64.4 to 73.4 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 23 degrees Celsius).

When was Eisenia fetida created?

Eisenia fetida was created in 1826.

Are red wiggler worms and red earthworms the same thing?

The two, red wiggler worms and red earthworms are related however they aren't the same animal. The red wiggler worm or eisenia fetida is of the same family, lumbricidae as the red worm or lumbricus rubellus, however they are of different genera.

How many species are there of compost worms?

Six can be considered the number of species of compost worms even though only three tend to predominate. The most effective and popular of the composting-friendly annelids range from Dendrobaena venta (blue noses) to Eisenia andrei (red tigers), Eisenia fetida (brandling, manure or tiger worms), and Lumbricus rubellus (bloodworms, red wigglers, redworms). The complete list also will include Amynthas gracilis(Alabama jumpers), Aporrectodea caliginosa (common pasture earthworms), Lumbricus terrestris (common night crawlers, dew-worms) and Perionyx excavatus (blue worms).

What is the scientific name for red wigglers?

Eisenia fetida

How did earthworms get to Illinois?

The only native earthworms in Illinois are red worm Eisenia fetida and the nightcrawler Lumbricus terrestris. Other earthworms have come from Europe in soil samples, food supplies, other ship cargo.

What sort of habitat to Eisenia fetida live in?

They live in nashville and Mexico

What bacteria are in earthworms?

The bacteria in earthworms is called Eisenia Fetida it's in most earthworms