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Yes, shark dorsal fins are triangular and straight while dolphin dorsal fins are very curved and streamlined.

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Q: Are shark dorsal fins straight while dolphin dorsal fins are curved?
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What do dorsal fins and fins do on a dolphin?

The dorsal fin of a dolphin is usefu,l because it can control the balance when a dolphin is swimming.It can also be useful for signs of dolphins and not sharks because the dorsal fin of a dolphin and a shark is slightly different.

What is the difference between a dolphin fin and shark fin?

A dolphin's fin is rounded at the top, but a shark's fin is straight

Can a shark survive without its' fin?

No, sharks need their dorsal fins to keep them upright and traveling straight.

Why is a shark like a dolphin but not like a fish?

a dolphin can only swim up and down because its muscle structure and it spine are designed that way, if a dolphin were to swim side to side the muscle near its tail would swell damaging the spine if a shark or fish were to swim like a dolphin the same thing would happen eventually resulting in death.

Shark is to fish dolphin is to?

Shark is to fish dolphin is to mammal.

What do dolphins use their flippers for?

The fins on a dolphin, whale, shark, basically all marine life, have evolved in such a way as to exemplify their strengths. A dolphins strength is to be fast and agile. Their fins help them to navigate the waters in the most energy efficient maner. Their flukes (tails) are incredibly strong and help to propel them through the ocean/lakes/and rivers. Also the dolphins fluke moves up and down, not side to side like a shark.

Dolphin v shark?


Does a dolphin eat a shark?

No. The shark would get scared if the dolphin came near it.

Can there be a dolphin shark?

No! A dolphin is a mammal, a shark is a fish - never the twain shall meet!

How do you tell a shark from a dolphin?

Shark are fish and breath water Dolphin are mammals and breath air.

What is the name of the fins on a shark?

dorsal fin

What is the dorsal fin?

The dorsal fin is the fin on the back of a fish, for example the typical triangular fin on the back of a shark is its dorsal fin.