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That law varies county to county and city to city. You should call your local Animal Control department and ask them.

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Q: Are you liable if your dog kills a cat in your yard?
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Are you liable if your dog bit another dog?

If it was in your yard, then you should be ok....but if you were in a public place, they could hold you liable.

Who is liable when a cat attacks a dog?

The owner of the cat & possibly you if you &/or your dog were trespassing on the owner's property or if your dog was not on a leash.

If someone else's dogs enter my property and kills my dog who is liable?

The other person would be liable for damages. This is because owners are expected to keep their animals under control and on their property. If the dog came on to your property, you should not be liable for anything.

What is a dog owner's liability if their dog enters the neighbor's yard through a hole in the neighbor's fence and kills the neighbor's dog?

You are fully liable because you should have a fence on your side, too, if your dog is so aggressive it would kill another dog. You should probably be in jail, actually, and prohibited from owning dogs. you should have the dog on a leash.

My dog got into the neighbors yard due to holes all around the fence that my neighbors dog dug my puppy that was 6 lbs was killed by their 150 lb dog who's liable for the vet bills?

Your neighbors are probably liable for damages to you if the breaches in the fence were their fault (i.e. their dog's fault).However, you were also negligent if you were AWARE of the holes dug by the other dog and still allowed your dog to spend time unsupervised in your yard. If this is the case, you could be liable for animal cruelty.

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Can you shoot a dog to save your cat?

Yes. You can shoot a dog if your cat is being mauled, then you can sue the dog owner for vet bills. You can but only if the dog is on your own property mauling your cat,if the dog is confined to his own yard and your cat wanders over on to his property and gets mauled you can not shoot the dog.

Does Chad Kroeger have a dog?

No, he doesn't his neighbor does and it usually goes into his yard. But, he has a cat.

Can you be made liable in Texas for your dog's actions while he is in your neighbor's yard with the their permission?

If your neighbor asked you to bring your dog, or took the dog to their home, then no, you aren't liable. If your dog injured someone or one of the neighbor's pets or did damage to their home, then as a good neighbor you should pay for any hospital, vet or damage costs.

How do you remove dog odor from your yard?

put cat odor there and slowly it will start to smell better

Are you liable for a dog bite if the dog was chained?

If the person who was bit by the dog was just walking by, then yes, you are liable. However, if they were provoking the dog or coming onto it's/your territory, than you aren't liable.

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a compound sentence