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He can understand it enough to do it. For example, you tell him to sit and he sits. He does not, however, seem to have the ability to reason or understand complex abstract thoughts, although there have been some studies showing that dogs can understand some abstractions, but not as complex as humans can. An example of dogs understanding some abstract thinking patterns is: a dog was shown photographs of toys and told to go into the other room and grab those toys. In the other room were both the toys in the pictures, as well as more pictures of the toys, and the dog either grabbed the toy or the picture of the toy every time (this example was in a recent issue of National Geographic magazine). Also, just personally, my dog seems really smart. She knows multiple commands (sit, lay down, stay, stand, speak, heel, etc.), she knows her left paw from her right paw, she knows her name and her various nicknames, and she knows who "mama" and "daddy" are to her and if someone tells her to "go by mama", she'll come over and stand next to me.

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Q: Can a dog understand what you tell him to do?
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