

Can cats kill dogs

Updated: 4/27/2022
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13y ago

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In general, cats have better solitary attack drives and quick killing capabilities, whereas a dog is more built for a prolonged struggles. As such, a large dog will pretty much always beat or even kill a cat that it deems prey or dangerous

However, smaller dogs that register as prey (or a lesser predator in its territory) to a cat (Chihuahuas, poodles, weinerdogs, etc), will likely be taken by surprise and possibly killed by an aggressive cat that pounces it effectively.

However, unlike dogs, cats are better domesticated and less likely to attack anything other than birds or mice, and thus its a rarity to see a cat kill a dog of any type

Also, in terms of non domestic cats, like cougars, pumas, lynxs, bobcats, and other things you may find in certain rural areas, a dog of any average or smaller size is likely to be killed if they end up fighting with one

In conclusion, if you are asking about a one on one fight to the death the average dog would kill the average cat, in fact it happens daily in many neighbourhoods across North America. It is perfectly natural (have you seen those comic pictures of a dog chasing a cat, cat chasing bird, and bird chasing worm)

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