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No, but when I castrated them on my ranch I would sometimes miss one testicle due to it being small, and later the big looked like it grew a new larger one.

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Q: Can pigs testicles regenerate after castration?
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Related questions

What is removed during castration?

The testicles

Definition of castration in farm animal?

Castration is the removal of the testes (also called testicles).

What is a castratated pig?

Castration is surgical removal of the testicles.

What are the material that are use to castration in the pigs?

A sharp knife is used in the castration of pigs. Once castration is done, you will need to close up by suturing the incision.

How do you castrate a man?

Castration of a male is done by surgically removing the testicles and then suturing the incision closed. There is also a chemical method of castration that makes the testicles ineffective.

Does castration hurt?

Castration must hurt. The physical removal of the testicles, even if put under or done with a band will be painful later on.

When is an orchiectomy considered a castration?

The removal of both testicles is known as a bilateral orchiectomy, or castration, because the person is no longer able to reproduce.

What is the difference between castration and sterilization?

Castration is the removal of the testicles from a male animal or person, which is a form of sterilization because sperm can no longer be produced. Sterilization of a male can be accomplished without castration, for example by vasectomy, which is cutting and cauterizing the tubes that carry sperm from the testicles to the seminal vesicles.

What are the types of castration?

There are several types of castration. The surgical removal of both the testicles is called a bilateral orchiectomy. This includes a simple castration through the scrotum or a "radical" inguinal orchiectomy which is done from above. There is also castration done with a clamp that causes the testicles to lose their blood supply. This is only done on animals. Finally there is chemical castration which involves taking antiandrogens to shut down testicular function.

What is the important of castration?

In some European countries they believe that castration or removal of the testicles from pigs improves the flavour. It is also used in farming to limit populations or to ensure that stud animals are the ones that are breeding. Castration also reduces the aggression and fighting that occurs in the animal kingdom competing for mates as well as improving the fat content or marbling in beef (steers are castrated bulls).

How is castration different from neutering?

Vasectomy means severing the ducts leading from the testicles, but leaving the testicles in place. Means the dog can't father any puppies, but will keep all the behaviour parts of being male, like aggression. Castration or neutering means removing the testicles entirely. W/o testicles the dog's testosterone levels will drop, making the dog less aggressive and less challenging.

What is the process of removing testicles from a male animal?

This is called castration. There are other terms. For a horse it is called gelding.