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They dissipate excessive light energy.

They protect against oxidative damage from excessive light energy.
they dissipate excessive light energy.

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Q: Carotenoids are often found in foods that are considered to have antioxidant properties in human nutrition. What related function do they have on plants?
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What do carotenoids do?

Beta-carotene, an antioxidant, is provitamin A because it is easily converted to vitamin A in the liver. Vitamin A is essential for eye health, skin and mucous membrane health, reproduction and fertility, growth, and immune system function.

Where can you purchase microhydrin?

There are a number of online websites where one can purchase Microhydrin. Some of these sites include RBC Life, Antioxidant Foods and Worldwide Nutrition.

Does fire requires nutrition?

A fire needs three things: fuel, oxygen, and heat. If fuel can be considered "nutrition" then yes it does require nutrition.

How are the terms Food and Nutrition different from each other?

Nutrition is a small fraction of what needs to be considered about Food. Nutrition is to Food as Braking is to Auto Performance

What is the mode of nutrition in viruses?

parasitic mode of nutrition

How is senior nutrition affected by antioxidant supplements?

Antioxidants may have several positive effects on the body, such as slowing the aging process, reducing the risks of cancer and heart disease, and reducing the risks of illness and infection

What properties do living things have?

movement, respiration. nutrition, growth, reproduction, sensitivity, egestion. not sure about the last one.

Is diabetes a disease that would be considered nutrition unresponsive?

Not at all. Diabetes is probably one of the most RESPONSIVE diseases to adjustments to diet and nutrition.

Why is sweet potato good for you?

Sweet potatoes are great for nutrition. This is because they have Vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and special carotenoids that provide an antioxidant boost to your nutrition regime. The best thing about sweet potato nutrition is that sweet potatoes also taste better than regular potatoes. This is truly the best of both worlds and should help you as you try to get into better shape. Habits are hard enough to forge when they are painful, but with sweet potatoes, a diet food finally tastes great, fills you up, and boosts all the cells of your body with healthful stuff.

What is the market size of nutrition products in India?

As of 2014, the market size for nutrition products in India is an estimated 1 billion dollars. It is considered to be a growing market.

A Short Guide to Nutrition?

What is nutrition? It is simply a system designed to make sure that you get all the essential things that the cells and organs of your body need to survive and thrive. However, there are many different things to know about if you want to improve your nutrition. As always, do a little bit at a time. Look things up online, take some notes, and before long you will understand the beginnings of nutrition. Vitamin C, for instance, is an essential vitamin that promotes immune system function and functions as a life-enhancing, life-span protracting antioxidant.

Why was Richard Kuhn's work important?

Richard Kuhn's work was important because he was a biochemist who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1938 for his research on carotenoids and vitamins. He contributed to our understanding of the chemical structure of these important biological molecules, which paved the way for advancements in the fields of biochemistry and nutrition.