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yes he had 2 pets 1 dog and one cat

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Q: Did Frederick Douglass have any pets as a child?
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Did Fredrick Douglass have any pets as a child?

no but he did work milking the cows

Is there any contact information for living relatives of Frederick Douglass?

Frederick Douglass' descendants can be contacted through the Douglass Family website:

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Did Frederick Douglass play any sports?

As a slave Frederick Douglass had little opportunity for playtime and sports. As an activist, he did not have time for these kind of diversions.

Did Frederick Douglass have any sons or daughters?

Yes, Frederick Douglass had children. The most known are his two sons who went to war in the 1860s. (During the Civil War.)

Did Frederick Douglass write ANY poems?

Yes, Frederick Douglass wrote several poems throughout his life. Some of his well-known works include "The Haunted Oak" and "The Gallant Sixth of October." Douglass used poetry as a means of expressing his thoughts on social issues such as slavery and freedom.

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yes he did but he did it all by himself

Did Frederick have any pets?


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Did Frederick Douglass have any children?

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