

Do Shar Peis make good pets?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Shar-peis are highly loyal and very protective dogs, as a result of centuries of breeding for use as guard dogs for ancient royalty. This also has resulted in a particularly aloof, stubborn breed which often exhibits aggressive tendencies. In addition, many western Shar-peis are predisposed to extensive health problems and should not be taken by those without the financial resources to pay for very likely health issues (far exceeding those of a more standard, less genetically problem-prone species such as a retriever or shepherd). Additionally, as a result of their aloofness and stubbornness, first-time, or inexperienced, owners, are strongly discouraged from taking a Shar-pei as training them is typically very difficult/challenging. Additionally resulting from their guard-dog and fighting-dog breeding, they are often territorial and may come across as indifferent or even slightly menacing to strangers on the street, or guests in their owners house- this is not necessarily to say that they will grow, bark, or attack a guest, but that they may not be friendly in the sense of many other breeds and instead choose to warily observe any guests from a distance. There are exceptions to all of these standards, of course, but as a whole, these traits are definitive of the breed. However, to an owner with the financial resources for the possible health issues and dietary restrictions (most Shar-peis have innate Allergies to certain ingredients found in many common dog foods, resulting in the need to purchase high-end dog food free of items such as gluten, wheat, etc), and with the experience and knowledge on how to properly and successfully train a stubborn, bully breed, the Shar-pei likely will prove to be a tremendous pet and wonderful companion.

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It is good to know the history of the breed of dog that you are choosing as your pet: The Shar Pei originated in Guandong, Province of China and were well known as a fighting dog or guard dog. They were used to protect the Royal Family and were ideal for defence with small ears, tough to grab and if grabbed the wrinkles enabled the dog to turn around and bite back. It is to be NOTED that since the Shar Pei was introduced into the Western world they do not look like the original Shar Pei centuries ago in China. They come in many colors: red (rose), sand, cream, black, and blue, and have the same characteristic blue-black tongue as the Chow Chow. Loose skin and wrinkles cover the head, neck, and body of puppies, but adult Shar Pei most often grow into their skin so that these features are limited to the head, neck and whithers and comes in the three coat types, Horse, Brush and Bear Coat. Health The Shar Pei is prone to health issues: * Painful eye conditions (entropion) where the eyelashes curl inward irritating the eye and untreated can cause blindness. This condition can be corrected by surgery. * These dogs have many allergy induced skin infections, sores and some worse than others depending on the breeder. It is thought that wet/dry dog food is best and free of wheat-gluten, so read your labels closely. * Shar Pei fever and causes short fevers lasting up to 24 hours and sometimes they will not have another such incident and others more frequent intervals and it is quite possibly related to a disease called 'Amyloidosis' caused by unprocessed amyloid proteins depositing in the organs such as the kidneys or liver leading to renal failure. Unfortunately, there is no test at this time to diagnose this condition. NOTE: In some States and some countries these dogs can often be under the category of dogs such as the Pit Bull and can be banned. Also insurance companies may not insure an owner of a Shar Pei so it's best to check with your insurance company. Like the Pit Bull if the owner is well versed in the history of the Shar Pei and goes along with the dog for professional training these dogs make lovely pets. However, the Shar Pei is HIGHLY suspicious of strangers (this includes relatives you do not see often or friends) and is territorial and aggressive without provocation. They are fierce guard dogs. The Shar Pei even with some of these faults is devoted, loyal and affectionate to it's owner and family. With proper training Shar Peis can be accepting of strangers. The Shar Pei is extremely protective and independent of it's family, thus professional training and letting the dog know who is 'the leader of the pack' is extremely important. The dog (any dog) should listen to any command given and to act on it immediately when given that command. WARNING: Even though a Shar Pei may be cute, cuddly as a puppy and an adoring member of the family when it grows up NEVER leave your Shar Pei unchecked if you have people around that the dog is not use too or, don't leave your pet outside when the mail man or any delivery person may come to the door. Like any breed of dog there are drawbacks regarding each breed, so take heed, train the dog, and don't be one of these owners that says 'Oh Ching Ching wouldn't hurt a fly. He loves our family and is so sweet and adorable.' The fact is, NONE of us know our pets 100% when it comes to them protecting their turf or family. == ==

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